Category Research

Pokemon GO: February Field Research Tasks and Rewards

Trainers, You will have a chance to encounter the Espurr as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of February. In addition to that few new field research tasks and rewards have been introduced. The Spinda variant for this month will… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: January Field Research Tasks and Rewards

Trainers, You will have a chance to encounter the Onix as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of January. In addition to that few new field research tasks and rewards have been introduced. The Spinda variant for this month will… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: November Field Research Tasks and Rewards

Trainers, You will have a chance to encounter the Vullaby as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of October. In addition to that few new field research tasks and rewards have been introduced. The Spinda variant for this month will… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: October Field Research Tasks and Rewards

Trainers, You will have a chance to encounter the Yamask as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of October. In addition to that few new field research tasks and rewards have been introduced. The Spinda variant for this month will… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: September Field Research Tasks and Rewards

Trainers, This month you will have a chance to encounter the disguise Pokemon Ditto along with its shiny as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of September. In addition to that few new field research tasks and rewards have been… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: August Field Research Task and Rewards

Trainers, This month you will have a chance to encounter the High wind Pokemon Chimecho along with a 2x XP Bonus (6000 XP) as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of August. In addition to that few new field research tasks… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: July Field Research Task and Rewards

Trainers, This month you will have a chance to encounter the Flying-type Pokemon Rufflet along with A Free Remote Pass Bundle and 2x XP as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of July. In addition to that few… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: June Field Research Task and Rewards

Trainers, This month you will have a chance to encounter the water-type Pokemon Clamperl along with A Free Remote Pass Bundle and 2x XP as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of June. In addition to that few… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: May Field Research Task and Rewards

Trainers, This month you will have a chance to encounter one of the Beautiful Pokemon Galarian Ponyta along with 5000 XP as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of May. In addition to that few new field research… Continue Reading →

Pokemon GO: April Field Research Task and Rewards

Trainers, This month you will have a chance to encounter one of the Jelly Pokemon Male Frillish along with 5000 XP as a Field Research breakthrough reward for the month of April. In addition to that few new field research… Continue Reading →

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