Trainers, In order to get Mew, you need to complete 8 Special Research tasks and objectives. One of them is to Battle in 2 raids and Battle in 10 raids. Battling in 12 raids is a too tedious task and seems to spend… Continue Reading →
Trainers, A Mythical Discovery is a Special Research stage which leads to the discovery of Mythical Pokemon Mew. The Mythical Discovery is of 8 Stages and at the end of each Pokemon rewards are provided. This page lists all the stages… Continue Reading →
Trainers, The Most anticipated quest feature has finally debuted in Pokemon GO and Believe me it’s a huge update, So without wasting time lets get started! We have compiled a whole list of Field research task Objectives and Rewards with the help of… Continue Reading →
Trainers, To continue the hype of Legendaries, soon after the end of Ho-Oh Raids Niantic announced Hoenn Region Raid Boss in the Game. Groudon Appearing in Raid Battles around the World! Groudon, the Ground-type Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in the… Continue Reading →
Trainers, Thanks to all those trainers around the world for helping towards research and reporting hatch through our social media page. We have completed the Research from around 988 Egg hatches and we are with the below results. 2 KM… Continue Reading →
Trainers, Professor Willow has now come up with some interesting with this cool autumn nights quickly approaching in the Northern Hemisphere and sunny spring days arriving in the Southern Hemisphere New Event Announed – The Equinox SUMMARY OF THE EVENT… Continue Reading →
Trainers, Reports are coming The next (and largest yet) wave of EX Raids appears to have just rolled out, travelers, this time including new regions and sponsors. Ex Raids are now being tested in Europe and Asia in Addition to USA… Continue Reading →
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