Trainers, A new version of Pokemon GO text update has been pushed in the Pokemon GO Network suggesting May community Day will be none other than none other than the Cotton Bird Pokémon Swablu.
Credits to PokeMiners for Data Mine Report, If you haven’t followed them on Twitter, Do follow them, they do incredible work!
May Community Day (Swablu)

RESOURCE ID: community_day_swablu_event_name TEXT: Community Day: Swablu RESOURCE ID: general1.ticket.2_swabt_description TEXT: A ticket to access the "Cotton-Winged Bird" Special Research from May 15, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. to May 15, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. local time, wherever you are. Details can be found in the in-game News. YOU MUST PLAY DURING THE SPECIFIED TIME TO RECEIVE ALL THE SPECIAL EVENT BONUSES. RESOURCE ID: spawn_swablu TEXT: More Swablu are appearing in the wild
Swablu Community Day will be from May 15, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. to May 15, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. local time
Special Research Ticket
RESOURCE ID: general1.ticket.2_swabt_title TEXT: Cotton-Winged Bird Ticket
RESOURCE ID: photobomb_five_swablu TEXT: 5 Photobombs from Swablu in GO Snapshot
Swablu will appear in 5 photobombs.
Field Research
RESOURCE ID: quest_swabt_catch_b TEXT: Catch {0} Swablu RESOURCE ID: quest_swabt_evolve_b TEXT: Evolve {0} Swablu
Cotton-Winged Bird Special Research Story Line
The Cotton-Winged Bird Special Research will be a 4 step questline rewarding Swablu and Altaria encounter.
Stage 1
RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_0_0 TEXT: Hello there, %PLAYERNAME%! It's such a lovely day over here, with some incredibly fluffy clouds floating by in the sky. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_0_1 TEXT: I've noticed something quite peculiar, however, which is what appears to be some sudden movement to and fro the clouds. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_0_2 TEXT: My eyes must be playing tricks on me--I'm certain that clouds do not move about and...flap, like that. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_0_3 TEXT: And it appears to be happening in increasing frequency! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_0_4 TEXT: Mind going on a little jaunt to see what Pokémon might be the cause of this unusual occurrence?
Stage 2
RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_0 TEXT: My heavens...a Swablu! What a darling little creature, wouldn't you say? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_1 TEXT: The Cotton Bird Pokémon sure lives up to its name! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_2 TEXT: Its cotton-like wings are so fluffy and white, alongside their sky blue bodies, they can be easily mistaken for clouds. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_3 TEXT: I guess it wasn't my eyes after all! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_4 TEXT: Oh...oh! There it goes! Right on your head. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_5 TEXT: Swablu, I hear, love to sit on people's heads. They look like fluffy hats! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_6 TEXT: However, if their wings get dirt on them, they'll be inclined to leave and clean themselves. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_7 TEXT: What peculiar and particular creatures, aren't they? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_8 TEXT: Evolving a Swablu requires quite a bit of Swablu Candy, but their evolved form is quite a sight to see! How about you go out and collect more Candy? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_1_9 TEXT: Be sure to use Pinap Berries when catching more Swablu to get even more Candy!
Stage 3
RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_2_0 TEXT: Incredible work, %PLAYERNAME%! Looks like you've been hard at work catching Swablu and collecting a ton of Swablu Candy. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_2_1 TEXT: Evolving a Swablu is truly an act of patience, isn't it? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_2_2 TEXT: Patience is often called a virtue in a broad sense, but it's an integral part of being a good Trainer. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_2_3 TEXT: Good things come to those who wait is a cliché term for a reason: it's often true! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_2_4 TEXT: And I believe all of your hard work will pay off once you lay your eyes on the wonderful Pokémon that your new Swablu friend will evolve into. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_2_5 TEXT: Just one more leg of this journey left to go, %PLAYERNAME%. Let's go!
Stage 4
RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_0 TEXT: Do you hear that, %PLAYERNAME%? Your newly evolved Swablu is singing in joy! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_1 TEXT: This Pokémon is called Altaria, the Humming Pokémon. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_2 TEXT: Oh...oh! Now it's enveloping you in its wings! Altaria do that to people it's bonded with. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_3 TEXT: Do you feel its humming? People say that its humming is so melodic and beautiful it could enrapture an entire audience. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_4 TEXT: It's really quite incredible to see how fast you and your Altaria have become friends. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_5 TEXT: I'm moved and it's not just from its wonderful humming either. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_6 TEXT: Anyway, thanks for another Pokémon research adventure, %PLAYERNAME%. I feel like I learn something new about, and from, Pokémon everytime. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_swabt_3_7 TEXT: Until next time -- let's GO!
Featured Image Credits – Futuregamereleases
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