Trainers, John Hanke, CEO of Niantic has tweeted a video showcasing the Pokemon GO AR Playground mode.

If you’re wondering what is AR Playground mode

AR Playground mode was a announced a month ago but was never released, AR Playground brings two big improvements to the AR mode

  • Better Pokémon encounters in the wild and
  • A brand new AR Playground mode that enables users to see, place and play with their Pokémon in the AR world

The AR Playground mode is part of the ARKit Pokémon GO tech demo and enables developers to place Pokémon anywhere in the world around them, or better, on any plane around them.

Here’s the Hanke’s Tweet Showcasing the AR Playground mode:

The Demo demonstrates how using the new AR Playground we can place and play with Pokémon in the AR world.

The demo was showcased during Niantic’s Pokemon GO AR Garden event, which took place at Mori Gardens from October 12 to October 21.

In Addition to AR Playground tease, the CEO also teased the AR Audio Experience, It allows to listen to both natural sound and Pokemon Cry sound