
The new EX Raid is scheduled around January 9th, but the actual time and date will depend on your local timezone and hours in which player activity is at it’s highest.

According to data collected by The Silph Road (link), this wave of invites is again targeted at newcomers, with more than 50% of invites being first time raiders:

  • First EX Pass: 52.7% of invite recipients
  • Second EX Pass: 25.8% of invite recipients
  • 3+ EX Passes Received: 21.5% of recipients

Apparently, the not so accepted EX Raid system is back in action after almost three week long interval. Players have reported getting new EX Raid invites for EX Raids that are mostly scheduled next week.

Not really acceptable but the trainer level seems to have a more and more influential role in the system, as the majority of invites sent were seemingly distributed to level 30+ Trainers:

ex raid wave

Arguments are going strong in the Pokemon GO community about how the future and current role of the EX Raid system will go around in further developments. Players around the globe are increasingly frustrated by the system, which some have called as “possibly the worlds worst random generator”.

Without clear requirements, the ex raid system in its current shape and form is a guaranteed failure.