
A special box with Raid Passes, Pinap Berries, and Incense is now available in the in-game shop! The sale will disappear on December 18!

Tl;Rd It is Definitely Worth if you’re looking for Premium Raid Passes

Special Box
Raid Passes6 x Premium Raid Passes
Berries10 x Pinab Berries
Incense5 x Incense
Cost480 Coins
Individual Cost1000 Coins


Price Breakdown

  1. Premium Raid Pass – 100 Coins Each (600 Coins)
  2. Incense – 100 Coins Each but in bundle of 8 it is available for 500 Coins so for 5 Incense considering (400 Coins)
  3. Pinab Berries – Considering Free Bonus!

Should i go for it?

Yes, Definitely it’s totally worth it if you’re looking for Premium Raid Passes, Premium Raid Passed individually costs 600 coins and for 480 Coins you’re getting 6 Raid Passes and Incenses and Berries can be considered as free!

Worth is just for the premium raid passes. Berries will be used in an instant and the incense will sit in my inventory until next Christmas at least, Weather has already made incense 🙂

Before Wasting any of your Raid Passe on Groudon, Make sure to take a visit to our Groudon Counters!

List of Counters to Easily Defeat Groudon

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