Trainers, it is a big day, a lot of surprises are coming from Niantic, so without adding further ado let’s dive into the news!

Psychic Event is Live!

The Psychic event is now live in PokemonGo
This event will feature:

– Increased spawns of Abra, Ralts, and Baltoy 
– Psychic-type field research 
– Shiny Drowzee is now released! 

The Psychic event will end on 14th October, Check the PokeTimer for your Local end time: PokeTimer – Visit Here

Psychic Event Quests

Research TaskReward
Catch 10 PSYCHIC Pokémon1,000 Stardust
Catch 5 Drowzee or AbraJynx
Evolve 3 Slowpoke or ExegguteGirafarig

Shiny Drowzee

As promised, Shiny Drowzee is now available in the wild!

Shiny Drowzee

Alolan Pokemon in Wild!

Trainers, Reports of wild Alolan forms in Pokemon GO. Increased Alolan spawn of Geodude and Diglett

Reports of wild Alolan forms in Pokemon GO.
Increased Alolan spawn

• Geodude
• Diglett— ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ ɢᴏ ɴᴇᴡs ✧ (@CommunityGONews) October 5, 2018

Halloween Event Tease?

In the recent released Newsletter by Niantic, Niantic is hinting the most exciting event, the Halloween Event.

“Trainers, some breaking news! Professor Willow is reporting that some spooky happenings are going on nearby. Could it be the work of Ghost-type Pokémon? Stay tuned to find out!”

For the English version, we have u/benadderson to thank:

New Pikachu Hat

Trainers, New Fragment style Pikachu and Raichu are now live along with New Cool character avatars available in the store!

Fragment Pikachu Hat
Fragment Raichu Hat

Image Credits – PokemonGOHub