Trainers, As a part of the Pokemon GO Beyond, Niantic has introduced a new XP Rebalancing System worldwide and made a lot more easier to get XP to level up.

Here are the changes in the XP observed in the new system.

Catching Pokemon

If you’re an excellent throw person, you’re definitely gonna like this new system.

ActivityOld XPNew XP
Catch a Pokemon100100
Nice Throw1020
Great Throw50100
Excellent Throw1001000
Curve Ball1020
First Throw5050
100th Pokemon100Pending
AR Capture100300
First Catch of the Day15001500
Seven Day Streak60006000


There’s seems to be huge increase in the Egg Hatch XP reward in all the Eggs.

EggOld XPNew XP


No XP changes have been observed in raids.

Raid TierOld XPNew XP
Tier 135003500
Tier 35000Pending
Tier 51000010000
Mega Raids1000010000

Friendship Level

Most of the Friendship level are still under verification stage but no changes are expected in this category.

Friendship LevelOld XPNew XP
Good Friend3000Pending
Great Friend10000Pending
Ultra Friend50000Pending
Best Friend100000100000


Defeating a Pokemon will be more fun for all the trainers!

Gym ActivityOld XPNew XP
Defeating a Pokémon100400
Defeat all Pokemon in one go50150


ActivityOld XPNew XP
Spin a PokeStop50100
Spin New PokeStop250Pending
Spin 10 Unique stops in 30 Min500Pending
First stop of the day500Pending
Seven Day Streak2000Pending

Other Activities

Everyone like new entry, Niantic too!

ActivityOld XPNew XP
Send a Gift200200
Evolving a Pokemon5001000
New Pokedex Entry5001000
Feeding a berry to a gym defender2050

Special thanks to the Members of the TheSilphRoad for the verifications and new XP value. The New XP value information credits to TheSilphRoad.

Do you know?

You can check out the Countdown Timer of all Events at our All-New Mobile App GO Field Guide for all Countdown Timers, Raid Boss Guides, Egg Hatch List, Shiny Checklist and much more…

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