The third Pokemon Go Community Day with Bulbasaur as its main attraction has come and gone, but players The next real-world event for Pokemon Go is here. Niantic is hosting the forth Pokemon Go Community Day on on Sunday, April 15, and as it always has, it will be held during a three-hour window of time.
For the United States, the event will begin at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET and runs until 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET; in Europe and Africa, it runs from 10 AM – 1 PM UTC; and in the Asia-Pacific region, the event lasts from 12 PM – 3 PM JST.
The featured Pokemon for April’s Community Day will be the Electric-type sheep Mareep. Niantic hasn’t revealed what exclusive move it will be able to learn during the event yet, but if we take the previous Community Days into consideration, there’s a good chance players will need to evolve Mareep into its final form, Ampharos, before April’s Community Day ends in order to attain the special move.
Even-so, there is no news about probable shiny Mareep , Flaffy or Ampharos, however, shinies featured in every community day so far, so it would make sense for yet another shiny Pokemon to make an appearance.
Regardless, we’ll see how it all pans out next month. Community Day could be better deployed, but it’s still a fun time.
Thats all for now! Stay tuned for further updates!