Trainers, A New version of Pokemon GO v0.147.0 (Android) has been found and is being rolled out slowly for all users, The upcoming update contains a lot of new mysteries and bug fixes 🙂
The official update mentions Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Improvement, but our data miners know something is always hidden behind those curtains!
Here’s the Summary from the Data Mine report:
- Purification
- Kangaroo settings
- New no-evolve forms
- Mewtwo A
- New Loading Screen and Safety Screen
- New Badges
Before we begin, All the following updates are currently not live from the server side, we want to reiterate that nothing written here is endorsed, confirmed, or shared by Niantic. These are reports found by various data miners on the Internet, and they are subject to change.
Here comes the first mystery, the Pokédex now counts the number of time you Purified Pokemon.
According to Bulbapedia:
Purification (Japanese: リライブ Relive), or “opening the heart’s door“, is the only known method of changing a Shadow Pokémon back into a normal Pokémon. It is used in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness to restore any Shadow Pokémon that Wes or Michael have snagged. Purification can be seen as a main goal in those games.
Kangaroo Setting
A new code name has appeared in the APK “Kangaroo”, currently, it’s still a mystery what it is, maybe it’s a new Pokemon game that we’ll be able to connect. Previous code names were fairly easy to crack, as Beluga referenced Let’s GO and Koala references Sword and Shield.
.KoalaSettings .KangarooSettings .get_KoalaSettings .set_KoalaSettings .get_KangarooSettings .set_KangarooSettings .KangarooSettingsProto .get_EnableKangarooV2 .set_EnableKangarooV2 .EnableKangarooV2FieldNumber .enableKangarooV2_ .EnableKangarooV2
New No evolve Forms
Niantic has brought a lot of new mysteries in the new update, New “No Evolve” forms of Pikachu, Wurple, Wobbuffet, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Charizard, Squirtle, Blastoise and Raticate has been found in the APK. Maybe these forms have some correction with Purification or Shadow Pokemon which was mentioned above. We’ll keep you updated as something new is out.
Mewtwo A
The Mewtwo A got new addition of AnimationMode, We think it’s related to Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution Movie which is scheduled for release in Japan on July 12, 2019. We can expect some type of promotion as we saw in Detective Pikachu!
.get_IsMewtwoA .newMode .ChangeAnimationMode
New Loading Screen and Safety Screen
New Summer Style Loading Screen is here featuring water-type Pokemon and Lake Guardians Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf.
New Badges for Dortmund Fest
Players attending the Upcoming GO Fest Dortmund will receive a badge based on the day they attend and based on Early / Regular Access.
We’ll keep an eye out for confirmation of what’s happening from Niantic and post an update when the mystery is solved. Until then, good luck out there, trainers!
Do you know?
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Android – Google Play Store
Feel free to ask anything else you may want to know. If we can’t answer them, maybe someone else reading can. Let us know in the comments below and join the discussion on our Pokemon Go – WorldWide Niantic News Update Facebook Group!
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