A few hours ago, Niantic released a new update for Pokemon GO v0.95.3

We have been looking under the hood, and have some exciting news coming in for you today.

So Here’s The APK Mine of Pokemon GO update v 0.95.3

There are a lot of new things added to the game’s code with this update. Let’s get the biggest things out first.

  1. New Moves: 

With March 25th Community Day inching closer, the move Frenzy Plant has been added to the APK, along with its visual effects.

And a surprise new move has also appeared in the code: Weather Ball.

Known to be Catform’s special move, Weather Ball is a Normal Type Move, which changes its type depending on the Weather.

2. New Pokemon added: Spinda.

‘Spot Panda’ Pokemon Spinda have been added to the game’s code.

Related image

Spinda was first introduced in Gen III and are said to have unique Spot patterns. A clue in the code suggests that we’ll be seeing 8 different variants of Spinda in the game.

3. Another Hint at Quests:

Although the game’s code largely stays clear of anything related to Quests, one clue has managed to slip in along with this update.


It certainly appears that at least one of the quests will involve catching a Pokemon. We can’t wait to see more clues about this leaked feature soon.

4. PokeStop Submissions in Pokemon GO?

As if the aforementioned additions weren’t exciting enough, a new POI management system has just appeared in the APK.  In simple English, this means a tool to submit the points of interest that power Pokestops in Pokemon GO and `portals` in Ingress.

It’s still not clear whether this feature will be integrated with the game itself or will remain a tool for Niantic themselves.Though we hope for it to be the prior one.

Points of interest also appear to have two states: COMPLETED and COMPLETED_AND_REASSIGNED along with various error states, hinting at a review and perhaps even a delegation process.

This could be a huge advancement in the game for Pokemon GO players in POI-sparse areas, but will come with major challenges for Niantic!

Well, those were all the major things to appear in the game. Let’s take a look at what else has been added to the game.

5. Account Linking Additions and overhaul:

Many large changes and additions now appear reflecting the new ability of the app to ingest and link Facebook and Google accounts. This is now possible due to what appears to be a new central authentication component of Niantic’s making, which can support multiple authentication types per user.

This has also re-written some of the account banning code, though the effect of these changes is not yet clear.

6. Daily Distance Tracking:

A new attribute has appeared which will track the number of kilometers walked in the past day: KMWALKEDPASTACTIVEDAY

This Might be used in new QUEST objectives.

7. New ‘Event Move’ Attribute:

The new attributes EVENTQUICKMOVE and EVENTCINEMATICMOVE have now appeared in the APK, probably hinting that these moves could be called out in new ways visibly moving forward soon.  Regardless, the app now distinguishes these on the backend.

8. New Multiplier: Escaped Bonus

An exciting new set of attributes have appeared in the game’s code, possibly hinting at new multipliers.


This might be a new multiplier that takes effect once a Pokemon breaks out (‘escapes’) from a ball? If so, it appears that breaking out of EXCELLENT throws is handled differently than lower-accuracy throws.

This could be a fantastic way to reward those consistently throwing GREAT or EXCELLENT throws – but who still have a Pokemon frustratingly break out.

Also, Read :

This ends our APK Mine for the new update!

That’s it for now guys!!

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